'An Overdose of Poems to Cheer the Soul' by Jay Cool

Inspired by a reading of 'The Emergency Poet: An Anti-Stress Poetry Anthology' ed. by Deborah Alma ( Michael O'Mara Books Ltd, 2015)), whilst sitting in a Prada Lounge Bar Café.

Scenes with Clare 'where man never trod' (1).

A jumped 'into experience' with Kabir (2).

A 'purling' 'slumber' in a 'stream' with 'sheep',
whilst kissing a 'prince' with Fletcher (3).

'Love alters not' with good old Will,
whose words can 'never' be 'shaken' (4).

If 'late last night the' dogs did speak,
according to Donal Og (5).

And friends are Bronte's 'holly-trees' (6),
all 'hung with snow' like Housman (7).

I'll skip to the end, and drink my fill -

an overdose of

Copyright owned by Jay Cool, Sept 2018


 All quotations from poems published in anthology edited by Deborah Alma (see top of page for details).

(1) line 13 of 'I am' by John Clare, p.43.
(2) line 2 of 'The Time Before Death' by Kabir, p.30.
(3) lines 1-10 of 'Care-Charming Sheep' by John Fletcher, p.22.
(4) line 11 & line 6 of 'Sonnet 116' by William Shakespeare, p. 57.
(5) line 1 of 'Donal Og', a Gaelic Eighth-Century Irish Ballad, translated by Lady Augusta Gregory, p.62
(6) line 2 of 'Love and Friendship' by Emily Bronte, p.75.
(7) line 12 of 'Loveliest of Trees' by A. E. Housman, p.165.
